
Gunma Museum of Art, Tatebayashi opened in October 2001 as the second prefectural art museum in Gunma prefecture. It is located in Tatebayashi, a city in the eastern part of the prefecture, some distance from Takasaki, where The Museum of Modern Art,Gunma was established in 1974.
Gunma Museum of Art, Tatebayashi works together closely with The Museum of Modern Art, Gunma and other prefectural institutions, collecting, preserving, studying, and exhibiting works of art that represent the greatest achievements of the human spirit.
The purpose of the museum is to promote creativity and greater sensitivity to art among the people of the prefecture, contributing to the development of culture appropriate to a new age.
- May 2, 1988
- Request for art museum construction submitted to prefectural government by the Tatebayashi Culture Association.
- June 12, 1989
- Proposal for new prefectural art museum passed by prefectural legislature.
- October 13, 1993
- Establishment of New Prefectural Art Museum Basic Concept Study Committee.
- March 24, 1995
- Start of artwork acquisition for New Prefectural Art Museum.
- May 20, 1996
- Announcement of Basic Concept of New Prefectural Art Museum.
- December 6, 1996
- Daiichi-Kobo Associates commissioned to prepare basic plans for the new prefectural art museum.
- June 18, 1997
- Establishment of Construction Promotion Committee.
- Conclusion of Construction Contract.
- December 25, 1998
- February 26, 1999
- Purchase of building lot from the Tatebayashi City Land Development Public Corporation.
- March 10, 1999
- Construction started.
- December 1, 2000
- Construction completed.
- April 1, 2001
- Museum operations begun.
- October 26, 2001
- Museum opened to public.
- October 14, 2002
- Marked 100,000 visitors in total since the opening of the museum.
- October 26, 2011
- 10th anniversary of the opening of the museum.
- November 6, 2013
- Marked 500,000 visitors in total since the opening of the museum.
- April 28, 2018
- Kids’ Corner set up as FY2017 Project to Promote Use of Local Timber.
- November 9, 2019 –
April 17, 2020 - Closed for renovation as part of an Energy Conservation Project by ESCO (Energy Service Company).
- October 26, 2021
- 20th anniversary of the opening of the museum.